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View Article  Tumours shrunk. Stent lost

I received some very encouraging news from my doc this morning as he told me that the chemo has worked and both tumours, the primary one in my bowel and the secondary one on my liver, have shrunk.

I still have the sore feet and he has taken me off the chemo for the next two weeks until they recover.

The most surprising news that he gave me in astonishment is that I have lost the stent in my bowel. Apparently I am his first patient to have done this. I'm also astonished as I had no idea I had lost it. How you can pass an inch wide and 4 inch long object without realising is beyond me - but I have somehow managed it.  

View Article  A good 3 weeks

The last 3 weeks have been good. I still feel tired but the sore feet and the constipation have gone.

The sore feet have turned into flaky feet as all the dead skin drops off and the new skin begins to grow. The hoover has been in full time use cleaning up bits of my feet which drop off all over the house - and particularly in bed.

Saw the doc again today and the blood tests show that the growth of the tumour is not slowing as much as he would like it to. This will be checked out at my 12 weekly scan which is due in 2 weeks time. If this confirms that the growth is not slowing then I will be on an extra chemo drug in adition to the Capecitibane. This is likely to be administered intravenously. However, the decision will not be made on that until my next appointment on 31st October.

Let's hope the next 3 weeks are as good as the last 3. Next report on 31st October.