Saw the chemo man today and he is going to treat my condition in two ways.

Firstly, a 12 week course of chemotherapy. This will be in tablet form and I will take two a day (one after breakfast and one after evening meal) for 2 weeks and then have a week off. This 2 weeks on and 1 week off will be repeated for 12 weeks

Secondly by control of the diet. I am being put in touch with a dietician.

They will take a scan at the beginning of the treatment and a scan at the end of the 12 weeks to see how I am doing and adjust the dose/mixture accordingly at the end of 12 weeks.

There is likely to be some side effects - the most probable one will be feeling really tired. The drug I am being treated with is Capecitabane and more about it and its side effects can be found here.

Without chemo, my life expectancy would be 6 months. With it, I can expect 2-4 years and because of my relatively young age (58) and reasonably good general health, probably a bit longer.